Tuesday, 13 December 2011

First 24 Hours

Hello everyone,

Welcome to my blog :)
We are now in the first 24 hours of my Etsy shop's opening, Miss Firth's Attic. I'm sure many people who have been in my shoes understand the feeling of complete fear and excitement that brings along a new shop. I have to bring my first cat reference to this blog; this really feels like the day I brought my two cats home after adopting them. Like I felt that day, like I couldn't and shouldn't leave my home. I get that same feeling with Miss Firth's Attic. I'm afraid the second I look away something will happen. Unfortunately for me, I've got a team meeting at school and a real life job to go to in a few hours. It's making me quite paranoid.

My job is at one of Canada's #1 bookstores. I like to describe myself as 'book slave'. This week, the holiday madness begins. People need and want to buy things. They are frantic, they are rushed and they panic. It's pretty fun for the most part, except when you get screamed at and called an idiot. Ah student jobs, haven't we all been there? I'll give this job credit.. Working at a grocery store and McDonalds was worst.

I'm sure this blog will see many bookstore rants! As well as school rants.. What you can be sure to see in future posts are accounts of my sleepless nights spent sewing for the play I'm designing and producing. I'm also obsessed with Etsy browsing and will be sure to share my favorite finds with you all :)


  1. Hi Karen,
    Welcome to the Etsy and blogging worlds! I'll be sure to check out your shop.

  2. I'm on the same journey with you, opening a new shop....wishing us both happiness and success!

  3. hello, karen!
    congratulations on setting up shop and starting your blog. (both are very cute, by the way.) i wish you a lot of success.

    if you have any questions, feel free to drop me an e-mail at
    brinaroze (at) gmail (dot) com
    i'll be keeping in touch!
